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Why does the world need the SDGs?

Why does the world need the SDGs?


Recently, as international oil and natural gas prices continued to rise, Europe was also affected by the energy crisis, and energy costs in Europe continued to rise, pushing up energy costs for consumers and businesses. In the past few months, MeritSun has received many orders from Europe. Currently, solar storage is the best option for most European customers. MeritSun is the most cost-effective and high-quality new energy company on the market. Through the operation of our MeritSun energy storage system, more electricity can be provided and the use of fossil fuels can be reduced.

Fossil fuels have been the primary source of electricity production for decades. The combustion of fossil fuels produces large quantities of greenhouse gases that cause climate change and adversely affect people's lives and the environment.  There is no exception to this, it affects everyone. The planet is facing a climate emergency. In the last five years, we've experienced the hottest temperatures on record. An average of three millimeters are being added to the sea every year, which is the fastest rate of sea-level rise in 3,000 years. Due to climate change, more than 800 million people have experienced drought, floods, and extreme weather events. 

                                                                                                                      Gus Trompiz 和 Joan Faus/路透社, Dylan Buell/Getty Images

Therefore SDGs are of particular importance to us. The goal is being moved towards by countries around the world. Global electricity consumption is growing rapidly. Electricity is a vital component of any country's economy. Increasingly sustainable and widely available energy is a positive sign. Globally, electricity supply has accelerated in poorer countries, energy efficiency has improved, and renewable energy has become a larger part of electricity supply. It is still necessary to assist 3 billion people in gaining access to clean and safe fuels and technologies, expand the use of renewable energy outside the power sector, and promote electrification in sub-Saharan Africa.

The SDGs represent an ambitious and transformative agenda. As a responsible company, MeritSun puts sustainable development goals at the core of operational decision-making. In the future, MeritSun will be able to better seize emerging market opportunities and bring electricity to people around the world to meet electricity demand and improve the happiness index.

By Hilary

MeriTech Power Limited



MeritSun was founded in 1999, we have 23 years of professional experience in energy and integrated solution services. We have 100+R&D teams,1368 employees,48 fully automatic production lines, and a 150,000 square meters factory, become the industry pioneers in battery suppliers through effective management.


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